The "How To" portal brings you a full access pass to key resources on everything our innovative educational gaming platform has to offer.

Kinems Lesson Plans

Explore the world of Kinems

How to Install the Kinems Software
Looking for a guide to help set up your software? We’ve got you covered. Watch our tutorial video on how to install Kinems in just 3 easy steps.
How to Connect the Motion Sensor Camera
Having trouble determining which cables to use to properly connect your motion sensor camera? There’s no need to stress – follow along our simple step by step process video to hook up your device in a cinch.
How to Prepare and Design Learning Sessions
Not sure which of our learning games suits best for your child to play based on their needs? No worries! Learn how you can seamlessly create a customized learning experience for your students and track their performance on the fly.
How to Add Teaching Staff and Students into the Platform
Wondering where you can add or remove teaching staff, as well as students within our platform? IT administrators have the ability to easily assign which individuals can have access to utilize Kinems, and pair the educator that will be supervising the student during a learning session.
How to Create a Learning Session Based on IEP Goals
Do you need to focus on more academic goals in Math and ELA lessons? Watch how our platform can help you set up and reach IEP goals for your students both quickly and efficiently.