FairyBells is a movement-based learning game that is designed to help children practice their Math word problem solving skills involving numbers, fractions and units. Students get to play the role of an animated fairy avatar character that is looking for her friends that are hiding around the magical fairy village. As the fairy visits specific places in the village, the student is required to solve Math problems correctly in order to find her friends. Throughout the game, the student is encouraged to make mental calculations in order to solve one and two-step word problems. Physical activities such as jumping are required to answer the problem correctly. For example, the student will need to jump to knock over a bell that contains the correct answer in order to reveal one of the fairy’s hidden friends. Once the Math problem is answered correctly, the fairy’s friend pops out and moves safely to a base within the village. The avatar fairy continues to search for the rest of her friends. If the answer is incorrect, the student has a second chance to solve the problem. If the child doesn’t succeed in the answer, another character appears and states that the fairy’s friend cannot join her just yet and to keep trying!
This engaging game offers a variety of eye-catching visuals and tasks to encourage Math practice, as well as mathematical reasoning and structural thinking with word problems.
Using Fairy Bells, teachers can also:
•Encourage students to solve one and two-step Math word problems that involve addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.
•Identify strengths and weaknesses in the students’ understanding of the operations with numbers, fractions and units.
• Engage students in hands-on stimulating activities regarding the concept of quantities and relationships amongst numbers in Math word problem descriptions.
• Motivate children to practice using the four core Math operations in word problems that includes distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and currency.
• Improve gross motor skills development, balance and full body coordination.To play this game, the student needs to make side-walks and jumps to answer questions properly.
Additionally, teachers and therapists can select the type of problem activities to use with their student. The word problems range from single step addition to multi-step equations with fractions and units appropriate for grades 1-5. Also, the timer and the number of Math problems can be adjusted. This number reveals the number of fairies that are hiding.
Increase your child’s Math building skills and take them on an interactive quest in the land of Fairy Bells!
Disable/enable background music.
Disable/enable sound effects while selecting an item.
I CAN understand that there are sounds when I choose an item.
I CAN select the “Play” button with my left hand.
Time to remain stable to select an item.
I CAN select the “Play Button”, keeping my hand stable for 3 seconds.
Time available to complete each question.
Disable if the student feels pressure.
I CAN solve a math problem in 2 mins.
Interaction mode allows teachers to select the action that students should practice on. It can be a single “Jump” or the child could raise his “Hands” up to select the correct bell.
I CAN select the correct answer by jumping.
Choose the language of the game content.
I CAN solve math problems in English.
This shows the number of math problems that the child is called to solve.
I CAN solve 3 math problems and help the fairy find 3 of her friends.
Question category allows teachers to match students’ skills with content available in the game. This content can be changed according to the teacher’s preference and children’s needs for practicing with math problems.
I CAN learn to add and subtract within 100 by solving real world problems.
Pie chart data & Statistics This shows statistics on the amount of time the student spent on each question and on the number of correctly and wrongly answered math problems. Also, it depicts student’s tries analytically.