Quarry Bam

“Quarry Bam” is a game for teaching a students to communicate by coordinating physical movements according to language, gesture and posture questions. It aims at increasing a student’s attention to Yes/No questions regarding emotions/feelings, spatial orientation of shapes as well as math operations and properties (distributive and associative).

The student needs to make hand symmetrical movements to move the lever and locate it at the correct box that will sparkle an explosion indicating the correct response. This promotes bilateral coordination.

The teacher/therapist can choose the set of questions that a student will need to answer regarding emotions, spatial orientation of shapes and math operations/properties. The teacher/therapist can strengthening their student’s understanding of emotions, spatial orientation and math operations/properties.

Are you ready to make explosions?

Supported goals in

Grade: 3
Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Grade: PK
With prompting and support, students will engage in a picture walk to make connections between self, illustrations, and the story.
Grade: 1
Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.
Grade: K
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
Grade: PK
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as top, bottom, up, down, in front of, behind, over, under, and next to.
Grade: 3
Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.
Grade: 2
Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones.
Grade: 3
Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide. Examples: If 6 × 4 = 24 is known, then 4 × 6 = 24 is also known. (Commutative property of multiplication.) 3 × 5 × 2 can be found by 3 × 5 = 15 then 15 × 2 = 30, or by 5 × 2 = 10 then 3 × 10 = 30. (Associative property of multiplication.) Knowing that 8 × 5 = 40 and 8 × 2 = 16, one can find 8 × 7 as 8 × (5 + 2) = (8 × 5) + (8 × 2) = 40 + 16 = 56. (Distributive property.) (Students need not use formal terms for these properties.)
Grade: K
Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres). Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
Grade: 1
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.
Grade: 3
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. (A range of algorithms may be used.)
Grade: 3
Use the relationships between addition and subtraction to solve problems
Grade: K
Use spatial language (e.g., above, below) to describe two-dimensional shapes
Grade: 1
Add a two-digit number and a multiple of 10 (e.g., 28 + 30 = )
Grade: 3
Recognize multiplication as commutative and associative
Grade: 1
Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract. Examples: If 8 + 3 = 11 is known, then 3 + 8 = 11 is also known. (Commutative property of addition.) To add 2 + 6 + 4, the second two numbers can be added to make a ten, so 2 + 6 + 4 = 2 + 10 = 12. (Associative property of addition.)
Grade: PK
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as top, bottom, up, down, in front of, behind, over, under, and next to.
Grade: PK
With prompting and support, students will engage in a picture walk to make connections between self, illustrations, and the story.
Grade: 1
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.
Grade: 3
Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide. Examples: If 6 × 4 = 24 is known, then 4 × 6 = 24 is also known. (Commutative property of multiplication.) 3 × 5 × 2 can be found by 3 × 5 = 15 then 15 × 2 = 30, or by 5 × 2 = 10 then 3 × 10 = 30. (Associative property of multiplication.) Knowing that 8 × 5 = 40 and 8 × 2 = 16, one can find 8 × 7 as 8 × (5 + 2) = (8 × 5) + (8 × 2) = 40 + 16 = 56. (Distributive property.) (Students need not use formal terms for these properties.)
Grade: K
Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres). Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
Grade: 3
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. (A range of algorithms may be used.)
Grade: PK
With prompting and support, students will engage in a picture walk to make connections between self, illustrations, and the story.
Grade: 1
Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.
Grade: 3
Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.2 Examples: If 6 × 4 = 24 is known, then 4 × 6 = 24 is also known. (Commutative property of multiplication.) 3 × 5 × 2 can be found by 3 × 5 = 15, then 15 × 2 = 30, or by 5 × 2 = 10, then 3 × 10 = 30. (Associative property of multiplication.) Knowing that 8 × 5 = 40 and 8 × 2 = 16, one can find 8 × 7 as 8 × (5 + 2) = (8 × 5) + (8 × 2) = 40 + 16 = 56. (Distributive property.)
Grade: K
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
Grade: 2
Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work, using place value and the properties of operations
Grade: 3
Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Grade: PK
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as top, bottom, up, down, in front of, behind, over, under, and next to.
Grade: K
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of objects using positional terms.
Grade: 1
Using concrete models or drawings, strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and explaining the reasoning used, add, within 100, in the following situations: 1. A two-digit number and a one-digit number, 2. A two-digit number and a multiple of 10
Grade: 3
Add and subtract whole numbers up to and including 1,000. 1. Use estimation strategies to assess reasonableness of answers. 2. Model and explain how the relationship between addition and subtraction can be applied to solve addition and subtraction problems. 3. Use expanded form to decompose numbers and then find sums and differences.
Grade: PK
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as top, bottom, up, down, in front of, behind, over, under, and next to.
Grade: 3
Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.
Grade: 1
Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.
Grade: 3
Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Grade: 2
Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones.
Grade: K
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
Grade: PK
With prompting and support, students will engage in a picture walk to make connections between self, illustrations, and the story.
Grade: 3
Read and write numbers through 999,999 in standard form and equations in expanded form.
Grade: K
Describe positions of objects by appropriately using terms, including below, above, beside, between, inside, outside, in front of, or behind.
Grade: 1
Add through 99 using concrete models, drawings, and strategies based on place value to: add a two-digit number and a one-digit number, understanding that sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten (regroup) or based on place value to: add a two-digit number and a multiple of 10.
Grade: PK
With prompting and support, students will engage in a picture walk to make connections between self, illustrations, and the story.
Grade: PK
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as top, bottom, up, down, in front of, behind, over, under, and next to.
Grade: 3
Apply properties of operations (i.e., Commutative Property of Multiplication, Associative Property of Multiplication, Distributive Property) as strategies to multiply and divide and explain the reasoning
No supported goals.
Grade: PK
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as top, bottom, up, down, in front of, behind, over, under, and next to.
Grade: 3
Represent and solve one- and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers to 1000 using pictorial models, number lines, and equations
Grade: 3
Use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. Strategies may include mental math, partial products, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties.
Grade: 1
Apply basic fact strategies to add and subtract within 20, including making 10 and decomposing a number leading to a 10
Grade: 2
Use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 1,200 in more than one way as a sum of so many thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones
Grade: PK
With prompting and support, students will engage in a picture walk to make connections between self, illustrations, and the story.
Grade: 4
The student will investigate and describe the associative property for addition and multiplication
Grade: K
The student will describe the location of one object relative to another (above, below, next to) and identify representations of plane geometric figures (circle, triangle, square, and rectangle) regardless of their positions and orientations in space.
Grade: 3
The student will estimate solutions to and solve single-step and multistep problems involving the sum or difference of two whole numbers, each 9,999 or less, with or without regrouping.




I CAN statement


Disable/enable background music

  • On
  • Off
Sound effects

Disable/enable sound effects while selecting an item.

  • On
  • Off

I CAN understand that there are sounds when I choose an item.

Select hand
  • Left
  • Right

I CAN select the “Play Button” with my left hand.

Time to select item

Time to remain stable to select an item.

Reduce time if the child shows stability.

  • 0.5 sec
  • 1 sec
  • 1.5 sec
  • 2 secs
  • 2.5 secs
  • 3 secs

I CAN stay stable in an upright position for 3 seconds to select an item.

Interaction type
  • Both hands
  • One hand
  • Both hands (Stick to bar)
  • One hand (Stick to bar)
Interaction mode

Interaction mode allows teachers to choose the way with which students will interact with the lever and choose the correct answer. It can be “Time Delay” when the child needs to keep both hands stable on top of the box, in order to give an answer. The “Push Down” option allows students to move their hands on top of the box and then push down the lever into the box in order to trigger the explosion or not, based on the answer.

  • Time delay
  • Push down

I CAN move both my hands left or right over the boxes, keeping them stable in a parallel position. Also, I CAN push down my hands simultaneously in order to trigger an explosion.


Time available to choose an answer Yes/No for each question. Disable if the student feels pressure.

  • On
  • Off

I CAN answer 1 question in 10 sec.

Timer value
  • 10 secs
  • 20 secs
  • 30 secs
  • 40 secs

Teachers can determine if the questions will concern the orientation of objects, emotions or different types of mathematical equations with distributive or associative properties. 

  • Orientation
  • Emotions
  • Distributive property
  • Associative property of addition
  • Associative property of subtraction
  • Associative property of multiplication
  • Tens
  • Tens - ones
  • Hundreds
  • Hundreds - tens - ones
  • Estimate objects with standard units

I CAN recognize a facial expression and decide yes or no whether the emotion of the question matches the emoticon I see in the game.

Number of questions

This show the number of questions that a student will practice in the game.

  • 5 questions
  • 10 questions

I CAN answer 5 questions correctly. 

Game lives


Enable or disable game lives.

Game lives are the three little hearts in the middle of the screen.

  • On
  • Off

I CAN notice that a heart disappears each time I am wrong.

I CAN play the game with game lives.

Content language

Choose the language of the game content.

  • English
  • Greek
  • Spanish

I CAN read and hear the messages in Spanish.

Audio narration

“Audio message” narrates the question messages.

  • On
  • Off

I CAN understand an audio message instruction and decide the correct answer according to it.


This shows statistics of how many times the student gave correct and wrong answers as well as no answer. The Time is shown on the top right corner.

The educator/teacher can see the student’s answer at each specific question which might reveal possible misconceptions and certain patterns of cases (e.g. understanding the emotion of happiness) where that the student faces difficulties.

This shows the amount of time the student spent on each question and the result of each try.