“Trekins” is a sensory learning academic game which can be likened to a digital version of a hopscotch game.
Depending on the chosen board topics and academic content, students can practice spelling high frequency words or reinforce arithmetic skills such as counting or more challenging mental math calculations with up to three numbers. According to the given problem, students need to identify the correct track of tiles and travel from one tile to another in the right sequence. Depending of the student’s position each time, feedback is provided.
With this game, students can develop motor planning, coordination, timing, strategy and gross motor skills. In the simpliest iteration, the teacher can choose a board with just colors so that the children need to step on the tiles with the required color, thus improving visual perception, body control and balance. Difficulty levels, timer and the board characteristics according to learning goals can easily be adjusted by the teacher, which makes “Trekins” easy to integrate into many academic tasks.
Are you ready to hop hop hop?
Disable/enable background music.
Disable/enable sound effects while selecting an item.
I CAN understand that there are sounds when I choose an item.
I CAN select the “Play” button with my left hand.
Time to remain stable to select an item.
I CAN put my hands up for 3 seconds to select the required tile.
Time available to complete a question.
Disable if the student feels pressure.
I CAN spell a word in 1 min.
The teacher can select if the child will interact with one or both hands.
I CAN select the correct tile by stepping on it and raising only my left hand.
Enable or disable game lives.
Game lives are the three hearts at the top of the screen.
I CAN notice that a heart disappears each time I select the wrong tile.
I CAN play the game with game lives.
The teacher can select the number of questions for the student to play.
I CAN answer 2 questions correctly and I CAN solve 2 mental math equations correctly in 1 min.
The teacher can select the number of rows to define the appropriate stage size.
Choose the language of the game content.
I CAN read the messages in English.
Choose the type of exercise that the child is called to practice.
I CAN count to 100 by tens.
Category allows teachers to match students’ needs with content available in the game.
I CAN subtract 3 numbers.
This option refers to the visual help for Spelling Game mode.
I CAN spell the word I read.
Pie chart data
· This shows statistics on the number of questions that a child completed correctly, the number of completed questions with tries and the unanswered questions. Also, we can see the total time spent while playing the game.
· This shows the amount of time the student spent on each question and the initial chosen board as well as depicts student’s tries analytically.